Extremely Active Youtube Channel with 85k Subscribers

  • YouTube channel with 85k subscribers
  • Massive engagement
  • Dance videos niche, easily rebrandable
  • Audiences from the US and UK


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With over 85000 subscribers and millions of views in the last few months, gaining over 10000 subs in the last few weeks and majority of audiences from top tier countries such as USA and the UK, there is high indication that this is a very rebrandable channel.

Although it’s predominantly a dance shorts channel, long videos have been pulling high number of views. Meaning whatever you decide to do with it would fit perfectly.

Anyone with Youtube experience knows how difficult it is to build up quality subscribers from top countries. Buying this channel will ensure you don’t have to start from scratch. This could also be a perfect fit for crypto related contents.




Key Features

Aged account
Celebrity follows
Organic Followers

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